Alpha Psi at Supreme Chapter

Five Alpha Psi members will attend Supreme Chapter in Baltimore this July. Two very promising undergraduates, Sam Sullivan from north central Indiana and Mason Isaac from the Chicago area will represent the undergraduates joined by Oliver Sutter our chapter advisor....

Pi Kapp College 2024

Over the past two weeks, more than 1,200 student leaders gathered for leadership training, networking with brothers from across the country and an opportunity to celebrate our award-winning members and chapters. Pi Kappa Phi is excited to see where these student...

Board to meet in November

After new members were elected this past Homecoming in October, the board has announced a day and time for their next meeting: November 19th at 1pm. Jim Crews has been invited to speak about the current state of finances and other issues. In addition, there will be...

Homecoming Weekend

Save the date: October 21st, 2023 Events Friday include dinner with Alumni at location TBA. Saturday football game vs Rutgers includes pre- & post-game tailgate with Actives.